Hello! This is probably going to sound silly but I was wondering if you're planning on maybe adding more colors for the dyed hair option? I was kind of imagining the MC with red/cherry hair and I was surprised to see that it wasn't an option:(
Ps: I love the story, it's all really mind-blowing. Can't wait for more chapters!
not silly dw! ill be honest, i dont even remember what the options for dyed hair are lmao but i think it's probably easier to just add a text box so that readers can put in anything they want. idk why i didn't do that in the first place but it'll be incorporated in the next update whenever that is. also thank you!!
Um well, although I couldn't care less about my character's gender and am usually more inclined to playing females in stories, I would like if you added male clothing options if you chose a male character? Imagine my surprise when me (character is Sam, 22M) has to pick out clothes for the attorney, and of them is a miniskirt and wrist bands??? I understand if it's too much to ask for, just a suggestion. It kinda ruined the immersion imo
im a little confused by what you mean, i don't remember my exact wording but there are at least 3 or 4 outfit options that could considered to be more masculine. is there a bug you're encountering where that's the only option you're getting??
Maybe it's just me? I'm not particularly able to see these outfits on a man (except maybe option 5). I'm not saying it's bad or anything, in case you thought I was writing that way with my tone, but just more options that reflect the chosen character's gender would be better. Thank you for taking the time to reply at least! I like the way the romance is turning out though. Would love to see the finished game.
Outfits options for me:
A bomber jacket layered on top of a hooded sweat shirt and plain t-shirt, paired with ripped jeans and high top sneakers.
A lace top under a tank top and jacket, paired with animal print skinny jeans and boots.
A denim button up beneath a corduroy overall dress, knee high socks and ankle boots.
A long sleeve scoop neck top over a vest, with a mini skirt, wrist bands and sandals.
A denim jacket over a flannel and graphic t-shirt with dark jeans and sneakers.
A distressed tank top, black leather cargo pants and doc martens accessorised with a studded belt, chains and rings.
A corset top, low rise pleated skirt, fishnets stockings, creepers and a choker with chains.
Grey camo pants, metal band t-shirt, military boots, leather studded cuffs and chain necklaces.
Not the dev, but plenty of those seem masculine to me, like options 1, 5, 6, and 8. There are others like option 3 which could be unisex, and while the rest are feminine, I'm glad there's so many clothing options of different styles and presentations regardless of gender. I suppose everyone has different views of what clothing is masculine then? Not that that's a bad thing.
i can probably look into maybe adding more options in the future but because ive been struggling so much with the update, i dont really want to now go back and fix previous chapters when i should be focusing on the chapters to come, if that makes sense? i hope thats okay!
Wow, the plot got me invested! Grayson is such a sweet boy, I love him already. Though I'm curious about his and Kelsey's relationship, I'm hoping they're just coworkers and not involved bcoz I can't stand the thought of him being close with Kelsey, she gets on my nerves fr. MC is better than me bcoz I would've gone crazy as soon as I realized 10years had passed, I can already imagine the loneliness after being put in that position.
im glad you like it so far!! dw grayson and kelsey are just work partners, if anything kelsey sees gray like her brother lol but she was there for him in some of his darkest times which is why they're pretty close. also more angst is coming! the mc isnt gonna be as calm about their disappearance for much longer :3
i dont want to give a definitive date because last time i did that my laptop and hard drive were stolen 💀 which means ive had to start over but !! im trying really hard to get it done as soon as i can!
Let me just say that i kind of panicked a bit for some unknown reason when i saw the time in the first chapter/prologue,Cause now that I'm playing it's 13:58 and i was playing other games before so all i knew is that it was 13:30 and more, so i thought that it was my time and somehow the game knew it-
Anyways based on the start i like it!
Now i should go back to playing
Alright I'm on ch2 rn and i have to say: I'm really invested in the story, it's surprising it's just so good :O Glad I've found this if
Also as a person from a state that's next to Poland and knows a bit of Polish it was fun to read Alex tell just 2 words in polish one that's a a dish and another that means sausage XD
This is undoubtedly one of the most original and interesting i interactive fiction I have ever played. Very interesting read. Can't wait for future updates.
Thank you so much! You made my day, plus next month, that is August, it's my birthday so let's hope it can be posted close to my birthdate to be received as a gift.<3
This is a very minor nitpick, but I feel like if you said you were majoring in Nursing, you shouldn't take a hit to Mental Health for watching your blood get drawn. If you can't handle seeing your own blood drawn, how would you have any hope of one day drawing someone else's?
I also noticed a fairly major bug with this choice. On the page after choosing to watch or look away, if you go to your profile and then return to the game, it seems to trigger the MH change again. For example, if you were at 100 MH, choose to watch your blood get drawn, and then open your profile, it'll show your MH at 90. However, after returning to the game, if you open the profile again, it'll now show your MH at 80. You can repeat this over and over and drain your MH down to 0. The same thing happens if you choose to look away, but instead it raises MH every time. So far, this is the only MH change that seems to have this bug, and it only happens if you click "return to game." If you open the menu and click "go back," everything works fine.
I'm loving the story so far! And I was only interested in Kennedy's route at first but when MC met Alex, I started liking her too. I ended up reading the story twice lol. It was also pretty heartbreaking to read about MC's family. Looking forward to future updates!
This is a super interesting idea. I love a besties to lovers trope and an ex to lovers trope, so I’m excited about both of those, although I don’t know if I could ever choose anyone over Grayson - although I kinda wonder about him and Kelsey… I definitely enjoyed what’s written so far! It’s a crazy thing to think about, and I’m interested to see how MC adjusts to this new normal, or should I say, abnormal. it’s been interesting to see how they’re currently having moments of “am I even who I think I am”
this is great! i know this is only a demo but so far im loving the writing, plot, and characters 💗!! the writing feels so emotive and the characters reactions to ur character returning the way u do after so long feel incredibly real and well done 💗 keep up the great work and i cant wait for the next chapter to come out!
you have no idea how happy and overjoyed i was when I found out I could have a poly gralex like i fucking squealing, i love it when there's a poly route, because "the more, the merrier"
am absolutely in love with this, can't wait for more updates!
You know what's better than a right kneecap (no offense)? A festival where i spend all my money on useless things i will never use leaving me bankrupt and YOU watch with no payment needed. take it or leave it.
lol you can keep your kneecap bestie; im about halfway through chapter 4 but my progress has been kinda slow with work so i know im not gonna be able to finish it before the end of the year but im definitely aiming to finish in jan!
Yeah! On the this is the end of the demo page, it keeps taking me to a donation page? So I assumed that the other chapters have to be paid for or something.
absolutely incredible, the idea is so interesting and i was kept hooked the entire way through!! the author is literally a literary genius, i loved this so much!! can't wait for more + hopefully a full game! <3 thank you for creating this, definitely one of my top 10 interactive novels!!
I love Grayson and think he's a really lovely character. The athmosphere you've build in that little scene with him was such a nice one. Grayson is a living, breathing comfort zone for the MC.
The awkwardness at the start between them was nicely pictured too.
← Return to game
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Hello! This is probably going to sound silly but I was wondering if you're planning on maybe adding more colors for the dyed hair option? I was kind of imagining the MC with red/cherry hair and I was surprised to see that it wasn't an option:(
Ps: I love the story, it's all really mind-blowing. Can't wait for more chapters!
not silly dw! ill be honest, i dont even remember what the options for dyed hair are lmao but i think it's probably easier to just add a text box so that readers can put in anything they want. idk why i didn't do that in the first place but it'll be incorporated in the next update
whenever that is. also thank you!!Um well, although I couldn't care less about my character's gender and am usually more inclined to playing females in stories, I would like if you added male clothing options if you chose a male character? Imagine my surprise when me (character is Sam, 22M) has to pick out clothes for the attorney, and of them is a miniskirt and wrist bands??? I understand if it's too much to ask for, just a suggestion. It kinda ruined the immersion imo
im a little confused by what you mean, i don't remember my exact wording but there are at least 3 or 4 outfit options that could considered to be more masculine. is there a bug you're encountering where that's the only option you're getting??
Maybe it's just me? I'm not particularly able to see these outfits on a man (except maybe option 5). I'm not saying it's bad or anything, in case you thought I was writing that way with my tone, but just more options that reflect the chosen character's gender would be better. Thank you for taking the time to reply at least! I like the way the romance is turning out though. Would love to see the finished game.
Outfits options for me:
Not the dev, but plenty of those seem masculine to me, like options 1, 5, 6, and 8. There are others like option 3 which could be unisex, and while the rest are feminine, I'm glad there's so many clothing options of different styles and presentations regardless of gender. I suppose everyone has different views of what clothing is masculine then? Not that that's a bad thing.
Just a me thing I guess. Like, I can't imagine a guy wearing studded cuffs no matter how hard I try lmao
i can probably look into maybe adding more options in the future but because ive been struggling so much with the update, i dont really want to now go back and fix previous chapters when i should be focusing on the chapters to come, if that makes sense? i hope thats okay!
Oh no, no problem at all! Was just a suggestion for the future lol.
is there a tumblr that we can follow for this game? i absolutely love how it's written and i can't wait for more :D
yes! it's @if-mirrormine <3
omg i am so obsessed with this!!!! loving the writing and characters and the premise already! can't wait to see where you take it <3
thank you sm!!
hm one other thing I’m wondering is your game still downloadable. I know I downloaded your game in the past.
it should be if you have previously; i havent altered the settings in anyway that would prevent you from doing so :3
Hello was going through my old games. It’s good to see you are still active in chat. Hope you will continue your story. Take care
i just wanna know if this is still a thing or should i just pretend i didnt love this game
im still working on it, promise!!
Wow, the plot got me invested! Grayson is such a sweet boy, I love him already. Though I'm curious about his and Kelsey's relationship, I'm hoping they're just coworkers and not involved bcoz I can't stand the thought of him being close with Kelsey, she gets on my nerves fr. MC is better than me bcoz I would've gone crazy as soon as I realized 10years had passed, I can already imagine the loneliness after being put in that position.
im glad you like it so far!! dw grayson and kelsey are just work partners, if anything kelsey sees gray like her brother lol but she was there for him in some of his darkest times which is why they're pretty close. also more angst is coming! the mc isnt gonna be as calm about their disappearance for much longer :3
Ooooh I see, That's good to know, Thank you! I'm looking forward to it with much delight hehe
How many chapters do you think there will be?
between 8-10, excluding an epilogue per ending. i also have some ideas for dlcs but idk if ill publish them/how much interest there is for them.
so so interested in Dlcs! love the game <3
one person interested is honestly all the incentive i need lol. thank you!!
Make it two persons.
I haven't finished yet but I do have a question about the age gaps. So is the mc still meant to be 20-something?
i guess it kinda depends? the mc still looks 22 but those 10 years have passed by nonetheless, even if they have no recollection of that time.
When will the next updates drop? I've been waiting for more because this is so gooddd
i dont want to give a definitive date because last time i did that my laptop and hard drive were stolen 💀 which means ive had to start over but !! im trying really hard to get it done as soon as i can!
It's so good I need more.
Hello,is this still being worked on?
yes i promise!
that is incredibly intriguing
thank you :D
when. will. it. be. finished. its.... TOO GOOD!
im also wondering
this is so good!
I like it a lot! <333
Let me just say that i kind of panicked a bit for some unknown reason when i saw the time in the first chapter/prologue,Cause now that I'm playing it's 13:58 and i was playing other games before so all i knew is that it was 13:30 and more, so i thought that it was my time and somehow the game knew it-
Anyways based on the start i like it!
Now i should go back to playing
Alright I'm on ch2 rn and i have to say: I'm really invested in the story, it's surprising it's just so good :O Glad I've found this if
Also as a person from a state that's next to Poland and knows a bit of Polish it was fun to read Alex tell just 2 words in polish one that's a a dish and another that means sausage XD
This is undoubtedly one of the most original and interesting i interactive fiction I have ever played. Very interesting read. Can't wait for future updates.
Are you still working on this? and if so, will the full game be free?
yes and yes! i have one or two more scenes to write and then the update will be complete and released next month!
Thank you so much! You made my day, plus next month, that is August, it's my birthday so let's hope it can be posted close to my birthdate to be received as a gift.<3
This is a very minor nitpick, but I feel like if you said you were majoring in Nursing, you shouldn't take a hit to Mental Health for watching your blood get drawn. If you can't handle seeing your own blood drawn, how would you have any hope of one day drawing someone else's?
I also noticed a fairly major bug with this choice. On the page after choosing to watch or look away, if you go to your profile and then return to the game, it seems to trigger the MH change again. For example, if you were at 100 MH, choose to watch your blood get drawn, and then open your profile, it'll show your MH at 90. However, after returning to the game, if you open the profile again, it'll now show your MH at 80. You can repeat this over and over and drain your MH down to 0. The same thing happens if you choose to look away, but instead it raises MH every time. So far, this is the only MH change that seems to have this bug, and it only happens if you click "return to game." If you open the menu and click "go back," everything works fine.
that's super weird... im not quite sure what could be causing the stats to change like that but ill do a code dive and see what's up!
I'm having the exact same issues
I'm loving the story so far! And I was only interested in Kennedy's route at first but when MC met Alex, I started liking her too. I ended up reading the story twice lol. It was also pretty heartbreaking to read about MC's family. Looking forward to future updates!
Mirror Mine is still one of my favs and I try to get people to play it all the time- I love this game more than I know how to express.
that's so sweet of you, thank you bestie!!
Hope you continue this author, really love the mystery and start of it. Gives me certain feelings 😍.
mm is my baby so i definitely plan to finish it! thank you bestie <3
Thanks author. It's giving me Manifest tv series vibes a lot.
I'm already in love with both Alex and Grayson, and ready to fight the dad. AKA- I love your game.
thank you bestie!! and don't worry, demetri is ready to be fought lol
This is a super interesting idea. I love a besties to lovers trope and an ex to lovers trope, so I’m excited about both of those, although I don’t know if I could ever choose anyone over Grayson - although I kinda wonder about him and Kelsey… I definitely enjoyed what’s written so far! It’s a crazy thing to think about, and I’m interested to see how MC adjusts to this new normal, or should I say, abnormal. it’s been interesting to see how they’re currently having moments of “am I even who I think I am”
this is great! i know this is only a demo but so far im loving the writing, plot, and characters 💗!! the writing feels so emotive and the characters reactions to ur character returning the way u do after so long feel incredibly real and well done 💗 keep up the great work and i cant wait for the next chapter to come out!
thank you sm bestie, im so glad you like it!!
you have no idea how happy and overjoyed i was when I found out I could have a poly gralex like i fucking squealing, i love it when there's a poly route, because "the more, the merrier"
am absolutely in love with this, can't wait for more updates!
thank you bestie!!<3<3
falling to my knees forehead kissing the ground i love everything about this!!!
cant for more keep up the good work
You know what's better than a right kneecap (no offense)? A festival where i spend all my money on useless things i will never use leaving me bankrupt and YOU watch with no payment needed. take it or leave it.
bestie i do not know what this means but i support you and your ventures
you don't need to know.... all you do need to know is that i love ur game
I would give up my right kneecap for another update(but also take your time).
lol you can keep your kneecap bestie; im about halfway through chapter 4 but my progress has been kinda slow with work so i know im not gonna be able to finish it before the end of the year but im definitely aiming to finish in jan!
I really really love this! Just one question- is this not free to play on a browser?
thank you bestie! it should be free on all platforms, is there a specific problem you're facing?
Yeah! On the this is the end of the demo page, it keeps taking me to a donation page? So I assumed that the other chapters have to be paid for or something.
thats super weird but no, everything is free currently and the coming chapters will be too :)
Just steal my heart dang it!
absolutely incredible, the idea is so interesting and i was kept hooked the entire way through!! the author is literally a literary genius, i loved this so much!! can't wait for more + hopefully a full game! <3 thank you for creating this, definitely one of my top 10 interactive novels!!
omg thank you so much!! this is the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me! <3<3
absolutely no problem!! i enjoyed it thoroughly thank u sm for this!! 💗💗 will there be more chapters on here or being posted on a paid platform??
the full game will be released on here and free to play! <3
thank you so much!! wonderful story again! 💗
Love this game <3 so you can have poly with Alex and Grayson? :o they love each other and my mc and mc loving them both? >.>???<3
why yes, yes you can 😌
Thank you so much you beautiful genius I love those in story :D keep up the awesome work <3!
bro i love the game
thank you bestie <3
Really good game! Can't wait for more :)
I really liked everything so far!
I love Grayson and think he's a really lovely character. The athmosphere you've build in that little scene with him was such a nice one. Grayson is a living, breathing comfort zone for the MC.
The awkwardness at the start between them was nicely pictured too.
I'm eager to
yay! so happy u like it bestie <3
I lowkey love this and am excited to see where the story goes!!