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came here after reading your other IF you’re working on and am so sad this is on hiatus 😭 I already love Nik and the mystery element here of who killed MC and why


Extremely short but seems to have potential. The premise and writing is good, I will have to say that the opening sequence lacks thrill and excitement. Instead of waking up safe and sound why not wake up while under attack or someone trying to kill you?

Why not show the MC briefly living a normal day and then getting violently killed? Don't just show "I wake up with no memories and some random said I was revived"

That's boring and passive. No thrill or danger.


this is just bad criticism lol... 

why would the author show the mc living a normal day when the premise is obviously built around u not remembering who u are? on top of that, the hook already involves the introduction of some sort of mob boss, a man being murdered off screen and a contract killer being hired, which was clearly enough to pique the interest of 99% of the commenters.

u are the literary equivalent of someone who needs a soap cutting clip on top of a subway surfers vid to hold ur attention 💀 if u want to give constructive criticism, keep it objective criticism. dont whine because an author didnt cater to ur warped personal standards


Attacking others for giving criticism and using a skull emoji, typical Gen Z behaviour.


i was just giving u some constructive feedback on ur points.. its criticism, not a dick, dont take it so hard.

(1 edit) (+1)

Well the demo was goddamn wonderful. Just great. But im alil confused. It says the projects status is released instead of being in development. I know the demo is done but obviously not the whole story sooo... is this still in development? please say yes lol the demo was very pleasant to read.

Edit: just realized you write mirror mine too where I am obsessed with mcs bestie. Soo you are just an overall talent huh. 😇♥️


omg i didnt even realise it said released! its definitely still in development, i just havent felt very inspired to write for it so ive been focussing on mirror mine :)

also thank you sm for ur kind words bestie!! <3<3

(1 edit) (+2)

Looking forward to once again romancing the only RO that hates my guts~ 😘


well none of the ros actually hate the mc lol. enoch is completely smitten with the mc, n is pretty much just in it for the pay check and rivka has some very complicated motives but she enjoys being around the mc. but im glad you like the story so far (i think/hope)!

Finally...I miss this story since it gone from dashingdon. Thank you for continuing this and of course I can't wait for more.


glad to have you back bestie!!


lately i've been only able to find ifs with mc's who are really embarassing, so i'm happy i found this one(also this demo is really good and i'm looking forward to see more of the story and what the plot twist will turn to be)

thats so kind of you, thank you bestie! <3

Love it! Gonna want to take revenge so bad.

thank you bestie! all in good time i promise :)

Nice i want more

